Wedding Skin Prep
Hi everyone!
Tiffany here, chiming in as Skinesque's marketing manager about my journey with skincare for my upcoming wedding in January of 2019.
Skincare has always been important to me, but it wasn't until I started at Skinesque that I realized there are so many little nooks and crannies within the skincare realm.
I thought I knew the basics: Double cleanse, splash on some toner and call it a night. All the little details that I didn't know (and I'm still figuring out) are becoming more and more of a priority on my overall health and wellness.
I am nowhere near being a skincare expert, but I can tell you I spend HOURS and hours researching trends, ingredients and being in the loop.
I would say my skincare level is at a 7. I'm extremely invested, but also, still discovering new things. I precedence with this so that you know I'm just a regular person who managed to incorporate these thousand steps into my routine and that it's changed my skin dramatically.
Without further ado, here's the skincare regimen I've been following: